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Claddagh Promise Rings | Matching Claddagh Promise Rings 2011

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Claddagh Promise Rings

Promise Ring is most commonly associated with the person presents a woman promise ring to marry in the near future. A good example is the Claddagh ring. Ancient Celtic people used for centuries as a Claddagh ring promise ring. Sometimes, however, the promise ring has several goals for what is commonly used. Instead of just limiting its use prior engagement rings, there are a number of other common applications. Basically it all boils down symbolically represent a promise to himself or another person.

Claddagh Promise Rings Picture
Claddagh Promise Rings

These other responsibilities include: To the best of friends or a special between the best friends of the ring are given in cases such as when one leaves or as a symbol of their friendship. Such rings are an ideal way of offering an unusual friendship. Claddagh rings, for example, be among friends, along with the words: "Let love and friendship reign." Chastity-Chastity different use Promise Ring. Although it may be given a boyfriend or girlfriend on their partner, usually given by parents to their child as a reminder of the pure or chaste until marriage. Another name for these rings purity rings. For monogamy-Promise rings can also act as a symbol of monogamy for two people who have not yet decided on marriage yet. Claddagh rings exchanged between couples to show their commitment to be linked together forever.

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